The Christmas Issue 2024
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Oh, and of course, it’s Christmas!
Stephen Covey famously said and we’re paraphrasing here – that a society’s strength lies in its diversity and not in its similarities. And the same can be said for companies, both big and small and everything in between.
Solutions, to business problems, market issues and productivity are to be found by those thinking and working differently, but doing it together.
Over the last year or two, the term neurodiversity has risen to the surface and many companies are taking note and steps to accommodate a neurodivergent workforce.
But what is neurodiversity? A term first coined back in the 1980’s, neurodiversity is the idea that people’s brains process information in different way, and that these differences are normal. The term describes the range of neurological differences that exist among people, and the idea that these differences are a normal part of the human experience.
It is estimated 15-20% of people are neurodivergent.
Some examples of neurodiverse conditions include: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Autism Spectrum Condition. The term, in no way, implies a lack of intelligence – in fact, many people with neurodivergent brains are highly intelligent – but companies who wish to benefit from a diverse workforce may need to implement some workplace solutions to help these people ply their trade.
In this issues, we plunge into the world of neurodivergent and what they may need from their working environments.
Oh, and of course, since it’s Christmas and all that, we look at a few festive goodies, recipes and a gift guide that will get you into the giving spirit…

The Summer 2024 Edition
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It’s summertiiiime and the livin’ is eeeasy!
Well perhaps not entirely a three-‘e’ kind of easy what with the cost of living, drama on the political front and neigh on 2 million Brits living under the yoke of a £50,000+ student loan.
But to business – on the furniture front we take a look at summer hues, smart furniture, biophilic [big word there!] design and what was hot at Clerkenwell.
Oh and there’s also a banger of a spritz recipe on page 3! You’ll thank us later.

The 2024 Spring Edition
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Spring is rearing it’s head and it’s time for us to head outdoors again – AMEN!
In this edition of the Planet, we’ll take a peek at our Spring collection. Nope, not frilly couture or funky fashion, but rather the latest and, we think, greatest in outdoor furniture – just in time for sunshine and blue skies.
With design-fair season also around the corner, we’ll take a close look at what’s on where, and speaking of design, we’ll also dig into small space design.
All that’s left to say is go on, get out there!

The First 2024 Edition
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To herald in the new year, we’re dedicating this issue to “hitting refresh”. We’re covering everything from rethinking sustainability and office makeovers to digging into what fresh recruits are looking for in their office spaces; what attracts top young talent.
There’s always the old faithful’s like our sports page and a couple of jokes to make sure we kick off the year on the right note.
Here’s to a prosperous 2024. Here’s to you!

The Christmas Edition
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On the furniture-industry front as a whole, we’ve continued to see innovation lead the way, with certain brands adopting automotive business trends, and a sustained drive to find planet-friendly sustainable solutions to furniture production. It takes vision and hope, for the future to recognise what’s wrong or what can be better actively pursuing solutions for it that will benefit not just industry, but the lives of people and the health of our planet.
On a more granular level, Après have been luck to pick up some big contracts this year, completing them successfully and on time. It’s enabled us to grow the team as we continue to find and partner with suppliers and manufacturers who echo our ethos of sustainable design and production while keeping our client’s needs front and centre.
We look forward to a small break before we come back in the new year to do it all again – but bigger and better in 2024!

The August 2023 Edition
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Sustainability has gone from being a fad-y word to something many companies – including us – take very seriously and invest a fair wad of the king’s currency into.
Sustainability is incredibly important. For us, the planet we all share and the future we hope to have. Which is why, in this edition, we’ll feature a few new sustainable products, talk about sustainable materials and the manufacturers behind them.
There is, of course, still the usual suspects to look forward to in the shape of our entertainment section and a brand new instalment of our adventurous environmental crusader Net Zero and her imminent escape from the clutches of eco-terrorists.

30 years of Après
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This month Après Furniture turns 30!
We’re tremendously proud of this milestone, mostly because it means that we’ve been able to make a tangible difference to the work – and home lives of hundreds of clients. But also because we’ve been lucky enough to do what we love for three decades and counting.
We dedicate this issue to 1993. Expect to see some classics that stood the test of time. And others that, well didn’t. We also have our regular features like Objects of Desire and catch up on the next instalment of En Route to Net Zero.
Here’s to our clients and the next 30!

The 1st 2023 Edition
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We look forward to servicing our clients in 2023 by bringing them the best products at great prices with broad smiles.
But being the first issue of the new year, we want to keep the theme of ‘new’ by looking by everything new in our industry – from tech to trends and materials to manufacturers.
Working from home is here to stay, but with hybrid working models adding to the steady stream of employees making their way back to the office, do employers need to take a new approach to their workplaces? And if so, are there new technologies and innovations to help them do it?
Turn a new leaf, turn the page and find out.